Because Google has been tailored to narrow down searches to make the results more relevant to what the user has searched for, it makes finding information faster. By asking only for keywords, searching is made less taxing for internet users.
Google and all its features will be very useful to people from all walks of life. For a writer like me, research is made easier thanks to Google. If I do not have time to visit libraries, I can use Google search to look for references. Also, Blogger is one way of allowing me to share what I write with people all over the world. It is also an excellent venue to meet other writers and read their works, which could influence the way I write. :)
yes i agree everything that you have said about google. google really helps a lot of people in a alot of different ways. long-live google! by the way, i like your blog.
TumugonBurahinTrue, it is easier finding information with Google. Especially information on blogs that tells us how we share a common interest with people far away from us.
TumugonBurahinI really like your title. Haha! It is true that Google is really useful to everyone and everything we need can be found in Google. That is how osm Google is. :) Kudos!
TumugonBurahinRight! Now, we don't have an excuse to be lazy in studying or researching for school stuff because Google has made it really easy for us. Great blog! :D
TumugonBurahinAs a writer in the field of communication I like the example given. the writers need specific details about researches and other information needed and through google it is a lot easier
TumugonBurahini like your blog! the tips are very helpful for a new beginner! :)